

Buffets e Racks


For this buffet, we applied to the door surfaces, for the first time, two layers of MDF surface with graphic motif cutouts made on a computerized cutting machine. The effect of the graphic motif took us back to the graphics of traditional Portuguese tiles – hence the name Buffet Colônia.
One of the keynotes of Lattoog’s work is the rescue and reinterpretation of elements present in Brazilian colonial architecture. The Colônia Buffet is imbued with these qualities, making it a piece that we consider timeless.

Available in different finishes and colors.


A: 80 cm
P: 55 cm
L: 168 cm / 186,5 cm /
204,5 cm / 222,5 cm /
241 cm / 259 cm


MDF veneered with DOF (Forest origin document established by the Ministry of the Environment and controlled by Ibama).

Download Block 3D (.skp):